Senin, 07 Maret 2016





Center for Research and Development on Forestry Engineering and Forest Products Processing (PUSTEKOLAH),
Jln Gunung Batu No. 5, Bogor 11610 Telp/Fax 0251-8633378/8633413


         Biochar presents the charcoal whereby its use focuses on soil improver, known also as a biomaterial-derived product.  The bio exhibits specific characteristics such as high-surface area, high volume (bulkiness), the presence of micropores as well as micropores, affording particular density, and ability to hold water.  Such characteristics enable the biocharcoal to provide carbon (C), mitigate CO2 emission from the earth atmosphere by holding it deep inside earth soil.  Biochar also seems more persistent in the soil thereby rendering it potential as the sink of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).  Biochar provide as well the growth media favorably for various soil microbes.  Besides, biochar can impart the retention of water as well as soil nutrients, thereby enhancing their availability.  The effect of increasing the soil carbon content using biochar is more permanent compared to that using other organic stuffs or fertilizers.  The benefit as exerted by placing biochar in the soil is the increase in soil pH and activities of soil microorganisms, thereby triggering the growth of vegetation sprouts and earns itself the term as bioconditioner.

         Biochar exerts its role to hold the carbon for relatively longer duration, reaching 15-20 years.  Even the latest information reported that biochar could serve as carbon store for at least 100 years.  Moreover, several experts stated that it could last more than 5000 years.  The carbon offsets signifies as the mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHG) measured in CO2-equivalent tons.  The offset or saving of carbon is realized from the changes as imposed to avoid such GHG release in the atmosphere by absorbing CO2 or other  GHGs (e.g. methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, hexafluorocarbons, ansd sulfur-hexafluoride.  Therefore, additional carbon offset in this context refers to intensifying the mitigation of CO2 emission through the use of so-called biochar.           

Keywords: charcoal, biochar, bioconditioner, GHG gases, bio-active compost charcoal, bioconditioner, carbon offset

         Charcoal or biochar stands for bio and charcoal, and this relatively new term is used to describe that charcoal that presently serves as an alternative energy, in fact can exert other benefit, when properly used and implemented at the soil/land area.  Hence, biochar presents charcoal, whereby its use focuses on soil improver. biochar has become more popular, since the discovery of black-colored soil in the Amazon Valley, often called as Terra preta which was formed more than 2000 years ago by the habit of the local community there to burn biomass and then bury it in the soil.  The soil managed by the Ameridian tribe about 500-2500 years ago in fact could maintain its organic carbon tent and high fertility even for several thousand years more when it was abandoned by the local community.  The source of those soil organic stuffs and the retention of such high nutrients were brought about the high charcoal content inside the soil.  Meanwhile, the acidic soil in the area vicinity exhibited the low fertility levels.

          Biochar also known as biomaterial-detived charcoal exhibit specific cagracteristics such as high surface area, high volume (bulkiness), the presence of micropores as well as micropores, exerting particular density, and ability to hold water.  Those characteristics enable the biochar to provide carbon, mitigate CO2 emission from the earth atmosphere by holding it deep inside the soil.  Biochar also seems more persistent in the soil thereby signifying itself as the main alternative as the potential carbon sink of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).  Other benefits as acquired from the use of biochar are among others improving soil fertility; affording greater surface area of the biochar particles themselves, thereby rendering them able to hold water and prevent the soil from the erosion, and fixing nitrogen and other essential ions such as calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), and magnesium (Mg+).

         In general, the fertile soil requires the organic content as much as 2%.  In this regard, biochar becomes the proper alternative in managing the soil particularly as the carbon supplier and soil-fertility enhancer (bioconditioner).  Lehmann (2007) stated that all organic stuffs added into the soil significantly the various soil functions and unexceptionally the retention of various nutrients essentially beneficial for vegetation (plant) growth.  Biochar turns out more effective in retaining the availability of nutrients for plants compared to other organic stuffs such as leaves, compost, or animal manure.  Biochar is also able to hold phosphor elements, which can not be retained by the usual soil organics.  Further, Lehmann and Roondon  (2006); and Rondon et al. (2007) reported that biochar also provided favorable growth media for soil microbes.  Biochar can enhance the retention of water and soil nutrients, and increase the nutrient availability.  The effect of increasing the soil carbon content using biochar is more permanent compared to that using organic stuffs or other fertilizers.       


         According to Ogawa (1989), charcoal, when added into the soil, can serve as soil-fertility enhancer.  This is because charcoal can improve water and air circulation in the soil, thereby triggering the growth of roots and providing favorable habitats for the growth of plant seedling (nurseries).  Besides increasing the soil pH, charcoal also make ease the growth of spores and increase of their number from either ecto or endomiccorhiza, thereby earning itself the term as soil conditioner.  Suhardi (1998) expressed that charcoal as added to the soil besides enhancing its fertility could also function as a fixer for particular stuffs/compounds.  This is closely related to the role of forest ecosystem (forest and soil) as the carbon sink in absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere.

         In Japan, the use of charcoal in fact could the increase of rice production as much us 50%.  In addition, the charcoal use was able to increase the number of leaves, enlarge the area of tree canopy (crown) particularly at the town forests, thereby rendering it effective to mitigate and decrease the air pollution as well as temperature through the absorption of atmospheric CO2 (Japan Domestic Fuel Dealers Association, abbreviated as JDFDA, 1994).  Further, results of the JDFDA experiments (1994) revealed that the addition of charcoal and calcium phosphate simultaneously to several forestry plant species could increase four times as many population of miccorhiza as that of the control (without charcoal addition).  In pine trees, such addition significantly brought about the development of tree branches and leaves.  Likewise, the charcoal addition to bamboo plants could increase the number of their sprouts.  In Indonesia, Faridah (1996) concluded that the addition of charcoal powder as much as 10% of the media volume brought about significant effect on the initial height growth of kapur (Dryobalanops) plants.  Sunarno and Faiz (1997) recommended the use of rice husk as the main seedling media in the pot tray as the alternative for peat-soil substitute.

         Charcoal contains numerous pores, and therefore when it is added to the soil, this proves effective to hold and retain soil nutrients.  Afterwards, the nutrients will be released slowly or gradually in accordance with the amount required by the plants (slow release).  In addition, charcoal exhibits hygroscopic characteristics such that he nutrients in the soil will be easily leached out, and the corresponding area is therefore ready for use.  The benefits of charcoal with its use in integration with agriculture field are among others improving and enhancing soil condition, intensifying soil-water flow, triggering the growth of plant roots, adsorbing the residual pesticides and the excess of fertilizer in the soil, favoring the growth of soil bacteria as the microorganism media for symbiosis activities, preventing particular plant diseases, and increasing the fruit production as well as imparting its tastes (Anonim, 2002). 

         In agriculture field, charcoal can be used to increase the soil pH from the acidic to neutral condition, which is usually done by using agriculture lime that contains Ca and Mg compounds, thereby reducing and neutralizing the poison behavior of Al and other negative effects due to acidic soil condition.  Due to its characteristics that can be used to increase the soil pH, therefore the charcoal finds itself beneficial uses at marginal lands lie which are scattered widespread in Indonesia.  Therefore, the addition of charcoal on soil can also improve physical, chemical, and biology properties of the soil.  If the soil structure and textures are favorable, then it will facilitate the spore development and increase their number from either ecto or endo micorrhiza.  In Kamerun, the use of biochar could increase the average harvest crops up to 240% (Biochar found, Jeremy Hance, 2010).  Biochar as employed at the level of 10 tons per ha exhibit similar efficiency as those of organic or inorganic fertilizers.  As such, the biochar increases the harvest crops as much as in average 240% at the poor soil.  These results were similar to those as encountered in the application of biochar at 20 tons per ha.                

A. Increasing the soil pH and sol-microorganism activities

         The critical condition of land area usually exhibits acidic pH, and this situation will not allow for the activity and growth of microorganisms, thereby rendering the area sooner or later dying with no nutrients available for plant growth.  The use of charcoal can increase the acidic soil pH to normal, thereby favorably assisting the growth, development, and other activities of microorganisms.  In Figure 1 is shown the effect of adding the charcoal to the soil that increased its pH and activities of microorganisms in the soil


Figure 1.  The effect of charcoal addition to the soil on the increase of soil pH (A), and the development of soil microorganisms (B)
Remarks: AKT = charcoal from pine bark; AKM = charcoal from maangium bark; SB = bacteria; NFB – nitrogen-fizing bacteria

B. Charcoal could trigger the growth of plant sprouts

         The Center for Research and Development on Forestry Engineering and Forest Products Processing (CRDFEFPP, Bogor) has conducted the experiment using charcoal to enhance the soil fertility (soil conditioner) since 1996.  The charcoal as employed focused more on the utilization of forestry wastes.  It was preceded with the use of wood-sawdust wastes into charcoal using semi-continuous kiln.  In general, the nutrient content in the wood sawdust depended on the kinds of raw materials of sawdust.  In general, the charcoal as carbonized from the mixed wood sawdust exhibited the N-nutrient coantent in the range of 0.3-0.6%; total P and available P contents about consecutively 200-500 ppm and 30-70 ppm; K nutrient content about 0.9-3.0 meq/100 grams; Ca nutrient content about 1-15 meq/100 grams; and Mg nutrient content about 0.9-12 meq/100 grams (Gusmailina et al., 1999).  The addition of charcoal as the nursery media mixture brought out significant increase in the diameter of Eucalyptus urrophylla (Figure 1).

Figure 2.  The effect of adding charcoal with various wood (lingo-cellulosic) species origin on the growth of E. urrophylla stem diameter (Gusmailina et al., 1999)

Remarks: ASP = rice-husk charcoal; ASG = wood-sawdust charcoal; AB = bamboo charcoal; Kp = Compost; K = control; ASR = vegetation-litter charcoal; AJ = teak-wood sawdust charcoal

         The application of charcoal brought out significant responses, with respect to the diameter as well as height of 1.5 month old Acacia mangium stems.  The addition of charcoal with various wood/lignocellulosic species origin as much as 20% revealed that the growth media mixed with the vegetation-litter charcoal yielded the most favorable responses, followed in decreasing order by the addition of rice-husk charcoal.  Likewise, the addition of charcoal as much as 30% disclosed that the growth of plant sprouts was better on the media mixed with vegetation-litter charcoal.  The application of charcoal to Eucalyptus urrophylla plants in the field revealed that when they reached 15-month age the increase in their height was higher using bamboo charcoal than using sawdust charcoal (ASG).  Experiment results exhibited that the addition of charcoal either as the media mixture or in the field brought about favorable effect on the growth of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus urrophylla plants.  Wood sawdust signifies as the potential raw material and turns out very prospective suggested as charcoal for bioconditioner.  In Figure can be seen the effect of charcoal application on the growth of Acacia mangium plants, when their age reached 3 months old. 

Figure 3.  The effect of adding charcoal to the growth media on the growth of its corresponding 3-month old Acacia mangium plants
            (Documentation photos by Gusmailina)

 Michinori Nishio (1999) also reported about the effect of incorporating biochar on the growth of particular plants.  In Table 1 were disclosed the experiment results done by Michinori Nishio (1999) regarding several responses exerted due to the use of chacraol/biochar.

Table 1. Growth responses of particular plants due to the incorporation of charcoal/biochar

Area of the plants without charcoal (control)
Area of the plants that incorporated compost charcoal
Area of the plants that incorporated chemical fertilizer)
Number of leaves
Average length of leaf
The average width of leaf
 Germination rate, (%)
Length of roots
Length of the stem
Diameter of stem
Number of seeds
Weight of 100 seeds
            Sumber :  Michinori Nishio, (1999)

C. Bio-active compost charcoal (Fermented Biochar)

         Bio-active compost charcoal typifies as one of the biochar items produced from the composting (fermenting) process.  These biochar item have been produced and socialized to the community since 2003.  There have been a lot of benefits enjoyed by the particular community group who implemented this technology product.  Various kinds of wastes as available in the vicinity of community residence could be utilized as biochar raw materials, and then were implemented at various plant species with significant and satisfactory results, as shown in the following figure.


Figure 4.  Application of bio-active compost charcoal (fermented biochar) at murbey, hot-pepper, and papaya plants, located at Ciobgo village, Karyasari Sub District, Lewiliang Disctrict, Bogor Regency.  (Documentation photos by Gusmailina)

         Figure 4 revealed the trial-test results of adding bioactive compost charcoal at the cultivation of murbey plants as the forage for silkworms.  The production of bioactive compost charcoal focused on enhancing the productivity of murbey leaves for the cultivation of silkworms.  In addition, such application was also done to the cultivation of nilam, papaya, and Melaeuca bracteata plants.  The yields as obtained were very promising and convincing, as by only adding bio-active compost charcoal as much as 0.5 kg per cluster of murbey plants, this enabled them when reaching 10-month age to increase five times as many the number of murbey leaves as those of the control (without bioactive compost charcoal).  Besides, such addition also improved the qualities of silk yarns as produced from their corresponding worms.

Figure 5.  Application of bioactive compost charcoal to the vegetable plants that grew under the pine tree stands, located at Ciloto.

         In Figure 5 is shown the application of bioactive compost charcoal to the agriculture plants such as broccoli pok choi.  Such application was also done at Ciloto (Forestry District of Cianjur) to pok choi, broccoli, and carrot plants.  The results as acquired in the unit area of 400 m square revealed that the production increased by 1500 kg, when compared to those using the regular fertilizer commonly employed by the farmers, such as bokasi fertilizer.  In addition, such use of bioactive compost charcoal could also reduce the use of chemical fertilizer as much as 40%.

          Further, in Figure 6 is disclosed the application of biochar to the sprouts of Eucalyptus citriodora plants, while Figure reveals the biochar application to the bulian and eaglewood sprouts.  Still related, Figure 8 discloses the application of biochar to several apriculture plants.  The results as acquired were quite favorable and significant for the further application.

Figure 6.  Application of biochar to the sprouts of Eucalyptus citriodora plants 
              (Documentation photos by Gusmailina)

Figure 7.  Application of sawdust biochar to bulian and eaglewood sprouts in jambi (Documentation photos by Gusmailina)

                    A                                             B                                             C
Figure 8.  Application of biochar to several agriculture plants, i.e. celery in Jambi (A); red pepper (B) in Jambi; and hot red pepper (C) in Pelabuhan Ratu (Documentation photos by Gusmailina)

         In 2003 was done the trial test of sawdust-biochar use on the growth of teak (Tectona grandis) sprouts until they reach 4 months old, located at the seedling area of Jembolo Sub Forestry District, administered by the State Forest Enterprise, Forestry District of Semarang (Central Java Province).  Results revealed that the use of sawdust biochar and sawdust compost could increase the growth of teak sprouts and the number of their survival as much as 100% compared to those of the control.  The use of biochar as much 50% brought about the most favorable portion for the growth of teak sprouts (Komarayati, 2000).
         Application of bioactive compost charcoal to the cabbage plants in Ciberureum, Garut (West Java Province) indicated that the use of such bioactive compost charcoal was very favorable.  This is shown by the production of cabbage which was higher and more compact in its texture, which weighed about 2 kg per cabbage fruit (Figure 9).  Likewise, the application of bioactive compost charcoal to the decorative (ornamental) plants (rose and algebra flowers) brought out very favorable results.  The effect disclosed that that not only was the flower and leaf color brighter, but also the corresponding plants afforded high resistance (the flower and leaves of the plants not easily fallen off). Even, when the plants were left without cares, their flowers despite becoming dry were still in place firmly (not easily fallen off.

Figure 9.  Application of compost charcoal at the cabbage vegetable plants
(Documentation photos by Gusmailina)
Figure 10.  Application of compost charcoal to the flower plants
(Documentation photos by Gusmailina)

         The application of bioactive compost charcoal to the tobacco plants brought out favorable results, yielding the leaf-cut pieces that weighed about 7.5 ounces (approximately 250 grams).  Meanwhile, its corresponding weight of the control (without bioactive compost charcoal) reached only 3 ounces (about 90 grams).  In this way, therefore, the tobacco trees which were planted with the addition of bioactive compost charcoal produced the tobacco leaves about 2 times as much the weight as that without the bioactive compost charcoal.  In addition, the drying of tobacco leaves where their host trees incorporated the use of bioactive compost charcoal proved also more efficient, requiring only 3-4 days, while those of the control took longer days for the drying.  Likewise, the aroma and smell of tobacco leaves that used bioactive charcoal were more pungent and stronger compared to those of the control.

D.  Nutrient components contained in the sawdust charcoal
        The charcoal commonly is composed of water, volatile matter, tar, wood vinegar, ash, and fixed carbon.  Such composition depends on the kinds of charcoal raw materials, and carbonization methods.  However, in general the resulting charcoal afford a comparative superiority in each use.  For example, in agriculture field, all those components are needed, but in industry its water content should be kept minimum (Anonim, 2002).  The nutrient content in the sawdust charcoal depends also on the raw material of sawdust itself.  In general, the charcoal carbonized from the wood sawdust exhibit the N nutrient content in the range about 0.3-0.6%; total P and available P nutrient content about consecutively 200-500 ppm and 30-70 ppm; K nutrient content about 0.9-3 meq/1oo grams; Ca nutrient content about 1-15 meq/100 grams; and Mg nutrient content about 0.9-12 meq/100 grams (Gusmailina et al., 1999).  The related details are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. The composition and quality of sawdust charcoal

The yield,  %
Water content,  %
The ash content,  %
Volatile content,  %
Carbon content,  %
acidity (pH)

Nutrient content, ppm

Nitrogen  (N)
Phosphorus  (P)
Potassium (K)
Sodium (Na)
Calcium  (Ca)
Magnesium  (Mg)
Iron   (Fe)
Copper  (Cu)
Zinc  (Zn)
Manganese  (Mn)
Sulfur  (S)


According to experts, billions tons of carbon is separated from the rest of the decomposition of biomass agriculture, plantation and forestry can be stored in the soil in the world. Carbon stored in the pores of charcoal or is currently better known as "biochar", is an important alternative to address greenhouse gas emissions. Biochar appears to lock carbon in a longer time, up to 15 to 20 years, even recent information suggests that biochar can be store in the soil at least 100 years, even some experts say more than 5000 years ( biochar). Carbon offset is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions measured in tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent. Carbon offsets or savings resulting from changes made to avoid or absorb carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas main (methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride). So in this case the additional carbon offsets is the additional reduction in CO2 emissions through the use of biochar.


Figure 11. Charcoal with pores on the surface that serves as adsorb and absorbent (sequester) CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the soil, and serves also as a 'soil amandement' (Source:

As the deposits of carbon in soil biochar works by binding and storing CO2 from the air to prevent it from escaping into the atmosphere. Bonded carbon content in the soil and stored up a large amount of time, estimated at hundreds to thousands of years, but the exact calculation of the amount of CO2 that can be tied very rarely available. A scientist states that for an area 250 ha able to bind to 1900 tonnes of CO2 a year. The results Anischan Gani study, expressed biochar can increase water retention and soil nutrient and increase the availability of nutrients. Effect of increased carbon content in soil is more permanent than the addition of biochar additions of organic material forms or other fertilizer.
Further noted also that the benefits of biochar in the soil was too much more than just as a soil fertility and increase crop productivity. The results of recent research proves unique biochar as a promising alternative for the improvement of agricultural land and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other CO2 into the atmosphere. Biochar is also more persistent in the soil so that it can be a primary choice as a potential sink for atmospheric CO2.
Since charcoal knew can sequester carbon in soils for hundreds to thousands of years, the subject of considerable potential as a tool to slow global warming. Burning and natural decomposition of trees and agricultural materials accounted for a large amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.  Biochar can store this carbon in the soil, potentially making significant reductions in atmospheric GHG levels, at the same presence on earth can improve water quality, improve soil fertility, increase agricultural productivity and reduce pressure on forest growth that has been advanced. Thus the use of charcoal as biochar, or arkoba (fermented biochar) its use should be disseminated to all actors of agriculture, forestry and plantations in order to be useful as a balancer in the carbon cycle in nature.

Figure 12.  A. Schematic of Biochar Solution,  B.  Biochar as carbon Negatif


Biochar is charcoal focused use on soil. Because it has the characteristics: high surface area, high volume, micropores, density, macropores, and water binding as well as, then called as bio condisioner. Biochar is able to supply the carbon, reducing CO2 from the atmosphere by tying into the ground, more persistent in the soil so that it can be a primary choice as a potential sink for atmospheric CO2. Biochar also provide a good growing medium for a variety of soil microbes, can increase water retention and soil nutrients and increase the availability of nutrients. Effect of increased carbon content in soil is more permanent than the addition of biochar additions of organic material forms or other fertilizer. The benefits of biochar in the soil which increases soil pH and soil microorganism activity, spurring the growth of seedlings as well as so-called bioconditioner. The series of results showed that the use of charcoal / biochar, or arkoba (biochar fermentative) in various types of forestry and agricultural crops, gave significant results on crop production.
Biochar appears to lock carbon in a longer time, up to 15 to 20 years, even recent information suggests that biochar can be store in the soil at least 100 years, even some experts say more than 5000 years. Carbon offset is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions measured in tons of equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon offsets or savings resulting from changes made to avoid or absorb (absorb) carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas main (methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride). So the additional carbon offsets in this case, the additional reduction in CO2 emissions through the use of biochar.


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